Cycling Map of Lincoln

I got bored one day and started a map of cycling facilities in and around Lincoln, Nebraska. I've included bike shops and a few bike-friendly businesses in this map. Bike shops are marked with a cyclist icon, bike racks are marked with a big "P", and other businesses friendly to cyclists are marked accordingly. For example, Pepe's in Havelock is marked with a fork and knife, while the One-Eyed Dog in Eagle and Yia-Yia's downtown is marked with a cocktail glass.

My only wish is that google allow us to embed a map of Lincoln's trails and "bike friendly" routes in green. One can click the "view larger map" below and add "bicycling" from the resulting "more" menu at the top of the map.

The map below should change as I update it.

View Lincoln Bicycle Facilities in a larger map